Eco Home Tour

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, the Eco Home Tour is not available at this time. Please ask about other exciting EcoAdventures.

This exclusive  tour is a “doors open” event showcasing some of the central Peninsula’s most unique and ecologically conscious homes.

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 Eco Home Tour 1
Rating: This adventure is rated for all.  
Where: Meet at Marydale’s Family Restaurant. We’ll walk to the first home and drive/carpool to 3 more.
When: Date TBA. Duration approx. 3-4 hours.
What to bring: A vehicle to travel between different sites, water, rain gear if inclement weather, snacks.
Price: $65.00 (+HST). Net proceeds to conservation on the Bruce Peninsula.
An ideal gift for those who want more memories and less stuff! Go to:

Eco Home Tour 2




The design philosophies of four unique buildings will be revealed, showing how to make living on the Peninsula cleaner and greener yet comfortable for our challenging and varied seasons.

You will see a zero energy home, a log and stone home built from locally-sourced materials, a super insulated straw bale building, and a passive solar house with permaculture elements.

These spectacular buildings exhibit the best in living more self-sufficiently, creating less impact, and in showing ecological leadership when it comes to building practices and loving experience.


 Eco Home Tour 3

Play, Learn, Make a Difference!

 For further questions email:  iThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.