Enter a world where day meets night, where light meets dark, and where the tranquility of the night is broken only by the movement of an intrepid band of daring travellers. These limited small group tours are for those brave souls willing to go deep into the nighttime wilderness of Southern Ontario’s largest contiguous forest.
Night on the Dunes
As the sun sets over Lake Huron and night falls on the Peninsula, wander through forest and wetland, over dunes and along the pocked limestone shore of the lake itself. Discover the secrets of night creatures, the complex ecology of this shoreline habitat, and learn how to find your way with only the stars to guide you.
This adventure is rated easy. The route is approximately 3km and you will be outdoors for about 2.5 hours.
Where: Black Creek Provincial Park (Sandy Beach).
When: August 9th and September 22nd
What to bring: Sturdy footwear, long pants and jacket, water, rain gear if inclement weather, snacks. EcoAdventures provides trekking poles and LED headlamps.
Price: $65.00 (+HST).
Full Moon over Georgian Bay
Explore haunting woodlands and ancient rocky outcrops as you climb to one of the most spectacular lookouts on the entire peninsula. We will journey through the long shadows of the setting sun into a moonlit world, to behold the stunning night sky over Georgian Bay. Your return trek descends the majestic Niagara Escarpment then wends along an isolated shoreline section of the coast of Ontario’s “sixth Great Lake”.
This adventure is rated moderate. The route is approximately 5km and you will be outdoors for about 2.5 to 3 hours.
Where: Smokey Head/White Bluff Provincial Park
When: May 23rd and July 21st
What to bring: Sturdy footwear, long pants, insect repellent, water, rain gear if inclement weather, snacks. EcoAdventures provides trekking poles and LED headlamps.
Price: $65.00(+HST). Proceeds support Biosphere projects
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All Hallows Family Night Hike
Join us for an evening walk through forest, dunescape, and wetland on the spookiest weekend of the year! On this all-ages hike, you'll learn about incredible ecosystems, fascinating nocturnal creatures, and ancient Halloween traditions. Turn on your headlamp, tighten your hiking boots, and follow us onto the winding, darkened trails of the late October Peninsula.
This adventure is rated easy. The route is approximately 3km and you will be outdoors for about 2 hours.
Where: Black Creek Provincial Park (Sandy Beach).
When: Friday November 1st from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
What to bring: Sturdy footwear, long pants and jacket, water, rain gear if inclement weather, snacks. EcoAdventures provides trekking poles and LED headlamps
Price: $40.00 (+HST). Kids under 12 are free! Proceeds support Biosphere projects.
Solstice Winter Wander
Join us in the last hours of autumn for an adventure along the shoreline and into the cedar forests of the Bruce Peninsula. Learn about night ecology, how our ancestors spent this time of year, and what changes the Peninsula is undergoing as we head into the winter season. You will trek through sand dunes and evergreen forests, make creek crossings and behold beautiful wetlands, looking and listening for the wild denizens of this magical place. Come with us, and we'll journey together into the longest night of the year!
This adventure is rated gentle with some slightly wet or icy sections.
Where: Black Creek Provincial Park (Sandy Beach)
When: TBA
What to bring: Warm layered winter clothes, gloves and hat, winter boots and a headlamp (that is supplied). Bring along some snacks and water or a thermos with your favorite hot beverage.
Price: $65.00 (+HST). Proceeds go to conservation on the Bruce Peninsula.